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i am so happy to be alive
to be
that is the potent truth
to eat, to work, to love, to rest, to sleep.
to talk, to whisper, to shout
"i am alive"

therefore, i cook with extreme gusto
consume in gratitude
and love with all my heart.

tonight we are simulating a dish i ate with my friend
at a place simply called "the grill", in NOHO

chicken picatta with japanese noodles

on the side is cornbread and my homemade applesauce. this is easy: peel the apples, cut them up and boil them in water with a little cinnamon and honey until the liquid is reduced. don't throw away any water; just don't put too much in. it's not potatoes.

where's my fresh baked bread… i only know how to make corn bread or muffins. but i am about to venture into the science of bread baking.