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here i am again eating. in the hopes that this repetitious eating of mine will not become boring, finally, an absolutely up to date photo of my real self is included. maybe even two.

it's pretty hot here so i am still preparing delectable meals which are cold. this is my favorite for summer… mango avocado salad with about 18 ingredients, (spinach, lettuce etc.) not counting the dressing which has its own eighteen ingredients. anybody can do this. it is delicious.

but i must warn you. it is deceptively time consuming, so make enough for tomorrow like i did. the dressing just gets better and better. it has homemade applesauce, rice vinegar, tamari, apple vinegar, sesame oil, fresh dill,fresh basil, fresh ginger (mashed without skin in a pestle). take some toasted sesame seeds and sea salt and put them in the coffee grinder. sprinkle this on the individual salad. and enjoy. :happy:

use a fresh croissant. you'll be glad you did. romaine lettuce, bemuda onion and cream cheese, mayo, not much.

more than i can eat. my eyes are always bigger than my stomach. 😎

watching the evening news which is disconcerting as always.

fencing scar on my cheek, baseball bat on the forehead. so be kind. :chef:

well, it looks like food. i may as well eat it. 😆

it's kind of a sloppy handful but that's half the fun. :happy:

and don't try to kiss anyone. that burmuda onion and the scallion rounds will make your partner run.